Your body holds the wisdom to heal itself

Activate your Spinal Flow to free yourself from stress stored in the body

What is Spinal Flow Technique?

The Spinal Flow® Technique is a philosophy, a science, and an intuitive, hands-on approach that prompts our spine and nervous system to release stress and help heal itself. 

There is an innate intelligence inside every human body to grow, repair and heal itself. Just as our gut digests our food, our hair grows and our heart beats naturally, our bodies know how to harness this innate intelligence – or Life Force Energy – to heal and grow.

The spine and nervous system is the pathway through which Life Force Energy flows. Unreleased stress creates a blockage in the spine which prevents the flow of Life Force Energy.

By releasing stress stored in the spine, a Spinal Flow Practitioner helps restore the flow of healing Life Force Energy through every vertebrae in the spine and to every cell in the body.

The Spinal Flow Technique is a complete modality which allows you to:

  • Interpret the messages of the body which show as pain, dis-ease and other symptoms

  • Identify where stress is stored in the spine

  • Release spinal blockages

  • Restore the flow of Life Force Energy

  • Awaken the Spinal Flow

  • Allow the body’s innate intelligence to heal pain, illness and dis-ease.

WIll Spinal Flow help me?

Physical injuries, unexpressed emotions and chemical toxins are forms of stress stored in the body. Stored stress can manifest as illnesses and symptoms of disease within the body. Spinal Flow benefits many symptoms and those struggling with various health conditions. This technique has no contraindications because the body’s innate intelligence is the guide.

If you’re curious about whether Spinal Flow will work for you, book an initial posture assessment to uncover what blockages are preventing you from feeling your best, how they contribute to your concerns and whether Spinal Flow can help release them.